VNGA approves two-year strategic plan

Oct 2, 2020

RICHMOND, Va. – The Virginia National Guard Association’s Executive Council on Thursday, Oct. 1, 2020, unanimously approved its first ever plan to ‘improve member relations and affect lasting and meaningful changes that improve the Guard experience’ in the next two years and address the role that the VNGA plays in the future of the Virginia National Guard.

According to the document, the plan provides the VNGA and officers in every formation a roadmap through 2022.  With a focus on building on past successes, correcting shortcomings and growing influence, the VNGA hopes to navigate through an anticipated period of challenges.

“Its no secret that the Guard experience has become more difficult,” said Maj. Andrew J. Czaplicki, president.  “Guardsmen have an outrageous number of garrison training and administrative requirements, intensive tactical individual and collective requirements, and a series of transformational mobilizations on the horizon.  The [Virginia National Guard Association] must find a way to help and I believe this plan is a great start.”

Developed over the past eights months, the plan is taking a big step forward as  the Executive Council begins to put the plan’s three strategic priorities to work.

The plan’s three strategic priorities are:

  • Increase participation from an informed, responsible and engaged membership. This priority is intended to increase the active membership base, which will position the VNGA to better advocate for a strong, well-equipped and well-trained Virginia National Guard.
  • Improve quality and number of benefits. Retaining the best requires the best; this priority is intended to equip leaders with better and more opportunities for professional development, social networking, discounts on valuable services and programs, and increase awareness of the State Sponsored Life Insurance Program.
  • Enhanced advocacy programs. This priority is intended to connect the Virginia National Guard Soldiers and Airmen with legislators and government officials so that they can learn more about the Guard and their needs.

Each of the three priorities have a series of objectives which have sponsoring tasks that, when completed, will affect the desired changes, explained Czaplicki. The tasks range from amending the bylaws to growing the social media audience.

“There is a multidimensional approach to how we’re going to approach strategic improvement,” Czaplicki said. “I’m confident in the members of the executive council and I’m looking forward to seeing our successes in the coming year.”

The plan is scheduled for review, update and annual approval in September of 2021.

More information about the plan or the three strategic priorities and the planning process can be found on the new Strategic Plan webpage.