Virginia National Guard
Unit Resources
The Virginia National Guard Association is proud to partner with leaders at every echelon of the Virginia National Guard to provide or enhance quality professional development programs at the unit-level.
The Virginia National Guard Association is the professional association of the Virginia National Guard’s Officers and Warrant Officers. The professional leader needs to keep current on issues that affect them, their units and their mission. The VNGA partners with leaders to create opportunities to accomplish this during their regularly scheduled drill, annual training or special events.
As part of our partnership, the VNGA offers leaders financial and programmatic resources to assist with the execution of a command-driven professional development event.

Staff Rides
A staff ride consists of systematic preliminary study of a selected campaign, an extensive visit to the actual sites associated with that campaign, and an opportunity to integrate the lessons derived from each. It envisions maximum participation before arrival at the site to guarantee thoughtful analysis and discussion. A staff ride thus links a historical event, systematic preliminary study, and actual terrain to produce battle analysis in three dimensions.

Event Sponsorship and Grants
Often unit-led professional development events require additional financial resources outside of the unit’s appropriated funds. The VNGA provides financial support to leaders to assist with the incurred expenses related to unit-level professional development events or programs. These events can include officers’ calls, staff rides, seminars, etc.
Note: This program is not affiliated with non-appropriated funding nor the unit’s Morale, Welfare or Recreation fund, and is subject to the Department of Defense Joint Ethics Regulation.

Briefing Toolbox
A collection of unclassified information briefs, videos and materials for leaders to download, customize and use for their unit’s professional development program. The contents contain senior leader speeches, contemporary military-focused forums, panel discussions and meeting notes that address a wide range of professional topics.