Officers’ and Warrant Officers’
Professional Development
A continuous, progressive process by which the synthesis of an individual’s training, education and experiences contribute to individual growth over the course of a career.
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Legal & Ethical
Question: “Can I use my .mil email to send messages about NGAUS or the VNGA?”
Answer: “Yes, official communications channels may be used to distribute information notifying DoD personnel of events of common interested sponsored by non-Federal entities.”
Section 3-208 of the Joint Ethics Regulation also allow the distribution of information through official channels (in accordance with applicable service Public Affairs regulations) to notify DoD employees of events of common interest sponsored by non-Federal entities (e.g. NGAUS, VNGA, etc.).
Question: “Can someone really talk about joining NGAUS or the VNGA during drill?”
Answer: “Yes, but conversations or presentations should be reserved for professional development discussions or during breaks.”
Section 2-301 of the Joint Ethics Regulation allows the use of Federal Government Resources for Official Purposes Only with several exceptions as long as such communications: (1) Do not adversely affect the performance of official duties by the DoD employee or the DoD employee’s organization; (2) Are of reasonable duration and frequency, and whenever possible, made during the DoD employee’s personal time such as after duty hours or lunch periods The use does not put Federal Government resources to uses that would reflect adversely on DoD or the DoD Component (such as involving commercial activities; unofficial advertising, soliciting or selling; violation of statute or regulation; and other uses that are incompatible with public service); (3) Do not overburden the communication system (such as may be the case with broadcasts and group mailings), create no significant additional cost to DoD or the DoD Component.
Question: “Can my boss force me to join?”
Answer: “No, and we wouldn’t want them to.”
Sections 3-209 and 3-210 of the Joint Ethics Regulations further state that DoD employees, which include Virginia National Guard members in both a Title 32 and Title 10 status, shall not officially endorse or appear to endorse membership drives or fundraising for any non-Federal entity unless otherwise excepted. The NGAUS and the VNGA qualify as excepted organizations under 3-210(a)(6). In all cases, however, the Joint Ethics Regulation clearly states in 3-210(a)(7) that no member of the Virginia National Guard may be ordered, coerced, or compelled to participate in or contribute to any fundraising or membership drives.
Bottom Line: Nothing in any regulation prohibits personnel from educating and informing others.
The 28th adjutant general of Virginia
“The entire National Guard leadership is committed to the fundamental mission of building lethal teams while internalizing the Chief of Staff of the Army’s focus:
‘People first, Winning Matters.’ “

The Virginia National Guard Association, Inc.
Post Office Box 37037
Richmond, Virginia 23234
(804) 223-1332