"The Virginia National Guard Association is the leading advocate for members and families of the Virginia National Guard. We pursue and secure the most effective benefits and resources to help provide world-class service in support of our communities, commonwealth and nation."
- Vision Statement
Increase Membership
Our members are the driving force behind the Virginia National Guard Association. As a member of the association, your voice will be heard on key legislative issues in Richmond and in Washington, D.C. When you join the VNGA, you add your voice to thousands of others who understand the role of the Virginia National Guard in the nation’s security and want to enhance its capabilities to perform that vital mission at home and overseas. With your membership, VNGA is better able to make the case for a strong, well-equipped and well-trained Virginia National Guard in more than 50 communities around the Commonwealth of Virginia. Joining means ensuring your communities defense!
Improve Benefits
The Virginia National Guard Association provides a number of benefits to the Airmen, Soldiers and Families of the Virginia National Guard. Many of these benefits continue after separating or retiring from the Virginia National Guard. In addition to advocating on your behalf on key issues, the association provides a number of benefits that include professional development, social activities, discount programs and a great inexpensive life insurance program for you and your families.
Enhance Advocacy
The Virginia National Guard Association is a member-based, grass-roots organization. Ideas and input from our members form the foundation of our daily activities and determines the Goals of the association both operationally and legislatively. Our founding documents outlines the responsibility to advocate for the Virginia National Guard with our elected leaders, the general public, all active and reserve military components, like-type membership-based military organizations and entities that serve the military community.
Strategic Plan Implementation
Download the Strategic Plan
Click “Download” to begin learning about the strategic direction the Virginia National Guard Association
"The Virginia National Guard Association garners support for the Virginia National Guard’s role in state and national security, and improves its members’ quality of life."
- Mission Statement

The Virginia National Guard Association, Inc.
Post Office Box 37037
Richmond, Virginia 23234
(804) 223-1332