VNGA announces 2021 Legislative Priorities

Nov 20, 2020

RICHMOND, Va. – The Virginia National Guard Association has adopted two priorities for the 2021 Virginia General Assembly Session.  These two priorities seek to acquire a new benefit and improve an existing benefit for Soldiers and Airmen that the VNGA will proactively advocate for in front of the General Assembly.

Learn more about Priority #1:  Reducing Vehicle Registration Fees

Learn more about Priority #2:  Reducing Entrance and Parking Fees to Virginia State Parks

At the end of each legislative session, the VNGA solicits input on what issues or challenges face the Virginia National Guard and their families. From that data, the Director of Advocacy, in concert with the Department of Veterans Services’ Joint Leadership Council of Veterans Service Organizations, authors legislative proposals.

Once adopted by the JLC, the proposals are published a variety of legislators and members of the government for inclusion in appropriate legislation in the coming year’s session. If sponsored the initiatives become bills and are submitted to both the House of Delegates and Senate for consideration and ultimate approval. 

In 2020, the JLC and VNGA successfully introduced and advocated for the amendment to the Code of Virginia § 44-83 which effectively doubled the pay and allowances Soldiers and Airmen receive while serving on State Active Duty. 

The VNGA meets with legislators to inform and educate them on the Virginia National Guard, its value to their communities and ensure that soldiers and Airmen have the capabilities, equipment and benefits needed to successfully execute their missions.

Learn more about advocacy here. 

The Virginia National Guard Association, Inc.

Post Office Box 37037
Richmond, Virginia 23234

(804) 223-1332