VNGMG to host Golf Tournament

Aug 11, 2020

RICHMOND, Va. – The Virginia National Guard Management Group will host an inaugural Golf Tournament benefiting the Virginia National Guard Historical Foundation Friday, Sept. 18, 2020 at the Royal New Kent Golf Club.

The tournament format is a four-person scramble beginning at 10:00 a.m. with registration beginning at 7:30 a.m. The cost to participate is $100.00 per person and includes golf, cart rental, breakfast, lunch, range balls and prizes.

“This is one of the series of fundraising events to support the Virginia National Guard Historical Foundation,” explained Al Barnes, Command Historian. “Our historical and educational mission is to preserve and promote Virginia’s military history through the development of meaningful education programs, museum-quality exhibits and participation in appropriate events that further the understanding of the past, clarify the present and provide vision for the future.”

The funds raised during the tournament are in support of the construction of the Richmond-based Virginia National Guard Museum.

“The story of the Virginia National Guard is the story of Virginia, from the earliest colonial days to today’s events,” Barnes said. “The ultimate goal of the historical foundation is to provide a museum and world-class research center that will allows historians and interested citizens to research all aspects of Virginia’s military history.”

The custom designed museum is intended to be constructed on the campus of the Virginia War Memorial in downtown Richmond, Virginia.  View the promotional video here.

Participants may preregister for the tournament, or register the morning of the event beginning at 7:30 a.m. Breakfast and lunch are provided. Anyone interested in more information about the golf tournament or the Virginia National Guard Historical Foundation may contact Jay Ellis at

The Virginia National Guard Management Group is an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organization and serves the greater Virginia National Guard community.