VNGMG reveals new logo

Oct 14, 2020

The Virginia National Guard Management Group, Inc. (VNGMG) announced today, Oct. 14, 2020, it is launching a rebranding campaign featuring a professionally redesigned logo and updated brand identity.

The new logo is a part of VNGMG’s initiative to strengthen the associations and its communications efforts .  The new logo was designed by Maida Creative, a small business supporting graphic and web-design needs, with input from the board of directors.  The VNGMG’s existing logo has been used since the management group’s formation in 2017.

“Our new logo creates a more recognizable visual identity for the Virginia National Guard Management Group,” said Maj. Gen. (Ret.) John D. Taylor, Chairman of the VNGMG.  “It demonstrates our wholehearted commitment to serving the Virginia National Guard Historical Foundation, the Virginia National Guard Association and the Virginia Army / Air Force Enlisted National Guard Association as a unifying presence.”

The logo pays tribute to the Virginia National Guard, particularly in the use of the “Minuteman” placed in front of Virginia as to represent placing oneself in front of danger.   The use of red, white and blue—though antiqued—are used to symbolize the proud history and heritage of all three associations in service to the United States.  Within the logo is also a branch of the Flowering Dogwood tree to symbolize the natural toughness of Soldiers and Airmen.

The VNGMG provides centralized professional administrative assistance to the Virginia National Guard Association, Virginia Army / Air Enlisted National Guard Association and the Virginia National Guard Historical foundation and is an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  The group assists the associations: plan a consolidated annual conference and the annual Virginia Department of Military Affairs Military Ball; supports each associations’ membership outreach initiatives; and, spearheads the capital fundraising campaign for the Virginia National Guard Museum.

The management group will begin immediately rolling out the new branding across its platforms and publications.