VNGA, NGAUS seek award nominations

Mar 10, 2022

RICHMOND, Va. – The National Guard Association of the United States and the Virginia National Guard Association are seeking nominations for the 2022 NGAUS Individual Awards and the 2022 VNGA Individual Awards programs.

The NGAUS Awards Program recognizes outstanding National Guard women and men, as well as individuals and organizations outside of the National Guard who have made significant efforts to help advance NGAUS and its mission. There are 12 separate individual awards. May 15 is the deadline for nominations. Most will need the endorsement of the Adjutant General of Virginia.

A five-person awards committee will review the nominations in June and make recommendations to the NGAUS board of directors for final approval in July. Recipients will be announced by Aug. 1.

NGAUS will present this year’s awards during the 144th General Conference & Exhibition, Aug. 26 to 29 in Columbus, Ohio.

Last year, the association presented 67 individual awards, including 47 to current or retired Guardsmen. To nominate someone for a NGAUS award, email

Similarly, the VNGA Awards Program highlights outstanding Virginia National Guard women and men, as well as individuals connected to the Virginia National Guard who have performed exceptionally well at their duties or in support of the Virginia National Guard or the association.

Three of the VNGA awards seek to recognize high performing company-grade Officers and Warrant Officers and are honorifically named for former members of the Virginia National Guard that served in an extraordinary manner. The association’s three performance awards are:

Chief Warrant Officer 3 Antoinette M. Kunka Award: This award was created in memory of Chief Warrant Officer 3 Antoinette M. Kunka, a Virginia National Guard warrant officer who served as a Supply Systems Warrant Officer for the Directorate of Logistics. This award recognizes the achievements and dedicated service of Virginia Army and Air National Guard junior warrant officers who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and professionalism in their services to the Commonwealth of Virginia and community.

Brig. Gen. Bert W. Holmes Award: This award was created in memory of Brig. Gen. Bert W. Holmes, Jr., a Virginia National Guard officer that served in the U.S. Army, U.S. Army Reserve and the Virginia National Guard; owned and operated a small medical practice while serving as a surgical expert at a number of hospitals and achieving the rank of Brigadier General in the Virginia National Guard. This award recognizes the achievements and dedicated service of Virginia Army National Guard junior officers in the ranks of 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Lieutenant and Captain who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and professionalism in their service to the Commonwealth of Virginia and community.

Brig. Gen. William E. Haymes Award: This award was created in memory of Brig. Gen. William E. Haymes. Haymes began his career in Company F, 2nd Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment, and was called into Federal service in 1941 where he transferred into the U.S Army Air Corps. Earning his pilot’s wings, Haymes flew combat missions in the P-39 and P-40 fighters throughout the Pacific Theater, being credited with at least one air-to-air victory. He later flew the P-51 during the Korean War from 1952 to 1953 earning a Gold Star from the South Korean Air Force. Haymes returned to Virginia in 1953 and served as the commander of the recently reorganized Virginia Air National Guard. While serving as a rated command pilot, Haymes flew the P-47, B-26 and F-84 aircraft. Haymes was selected as the first Assistant Adjutant General – Air and was the first General Officer of the Virginia Air National Guard. Haymes retired in 1981 after more than 40 years of military service and more than 7,500 hours of flying time. The Brig. Gen. William E. Haymes Award recognizes the achievements and dedicated service of Virginia Air National Guard junior officers who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and professionalism in their services to the Commonwealth of Virginia and community.

The fourth new award recognizes local officials, civic leaders and elected representatives for outstanding and exceptional service to the Virginia National Guard or to the Virginia National Guard Association. The award is named in memory of Brig. Gen. Edward M. Hudgins, a Virginia National Guard officer that served in a variety of high-profile positions during and following World War 2. Hudgins served as aide-de-camp to Gen. Edward “Ned” Almond and military aide to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He later served as 23rd District Delegate to the General Assembly from 1952-1965.

All Officers and Warrant Officers serving in the Virginia National Guard, regardless of component, are eligible to be nominated for superior performance, acts of heroism or service of a meritorious nature, make a contribution to the goals of the VNGA to the purpose and effectiveness of the Virginia National Guard or to the stability and security of the Commonwealth of Virginia or the United States. The period of consideration is August 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

The deadline for nominations for all 2022 VNGA Individual Awards is July 1, 2022.

Individuals and commands are notified of selection and awardees are honored during the VNGA annual business meeting and conference held July 29, 2022, at the Marriot Downtown in Richmond, Virginia.

To nominate online, please click here to begin the nomination process. Please ensure to review the current version of the VNGA Awards Program, which can be downloaded here or viewed online here. Particular attention should be paid to the criteria for each award and the presentation of factual reasons why the individual deserves the award.

Nomination forms may also be downloaded here and electronically submitted to Capt. Jennifer Tedder, the Awards Committee Chair at