VNGA Executive Council sets Agenda for Upcoming Meeting

Jan 4, 2021

RICHMOND, Va. — During the next virtual quarterly meeting scheduled on Thursday, Jan. 7, 2021, beginning at 7:00 p.m. the Executive Council will vote to approve four new association awards, finalize preparations for the annual membership drive and discuss arrangements for the rescheduled annual Business Meeting and Conference held Sept. 16-19, 2021, at the Norfolk Convention Center.

The Executive Council meetings typically last for one hour and are held telephonically each quarter. The VNGA officers and committee chairs prepare and present reports on activities and issues facing the Virginia National Guard that the association may be able to support or address through either the resolutions process or advocacy. Units are authorized representation on the Executive Council as well.

“As I said before, every battalion, group, brigade and wing has a voice on the Executive Council,” explained Maj. Andrew Czaplicki, VNGA president. “We exist to serve the Soldiers and Airmen of the Guard and when we don’t hear from the units themselves, we have a hard time making policy and directing our efforts.”

The Unit Representative position was created so that the elected officers and members of the Executive Council could share information directly with the representatives of the commands and they could share observations, needs and ideas to the officers and committees.

The representatives are the primary method of sharing information, Czaplicki described.
“Prior to the quarterly meetings, we publish an agenda, some background information and presentations which are then debated and voted on during the meetings. Every unit has a vote and I think it’s important to use that vote.”

Other than the Air National Guard staff assigned to the Richmond-based Joint Force Headquarters – Virginia, which has four and the Fort Belvoir-based 29th Infantry Division, which has three, the remaining brigades, groups and battalions each have one representative and one alternate. Both officers and warrant officers may serve as either the primary or the alternate unit representative for their respective commands.

Interested candidates for their respective organization’s Unit Representative may submit their names for consideration by their command by completing the below form.

VNGA Unit Representatives

Sign-up sheets for unit representatives.

  • Please select your unit of assignment.
  • What is your current Rank or Grade?