Registration opens for Virginia National Guard Conference 2022

Mar 7, 2022

RICHMOND, Va. — The Virginia National Guard Association announced Monday, March 7, 2022, that registration for the upcoming 2022 Virginia National Guard Conference held July 28-30, 2022, is now open.

The 7th annual joint conference of the VNGA and Virginia National Guard Enlisted Association, formerly named Virginia Army/Air National Guard Enlisted Association, is based out of the recently renovated Richmond Marriott in downtown Richmond, Virginia. This year’s conference theme is: BUILD.

Building relationships and a strong professional network of mentors, peers and mentees is crucial to the success of National Guard Soldiers and Airmen. Building these relationships now, helps build the profession of the future.

“We’re ecstatic to be in Richmond again this year,” said Andrew J. Czaplicki, VNGA president. “This is our capitol city and its home to such of what makes ‘Virginia’ Virginia.”

This year’s conference will include a unique Golf Tournament hosted by TopGolf Richmond, a motorcycle ride to visit the D-Day Memorial in Bedford, Va., the grand exhibition hall opening ceremony and reception, a mixer at Vagabond Restaurant & Speakeasy, two Provisional Development Sessions, and the annual Military Ball.

“The conference committee did a fantastic job reducing the cost to participants this year,” explained Czaplicki. “The fee structure is different this year, E1 to E6 and WO1 and O1-O3 registration is only $75 dollars. E7 to E9 and CW2 to CW4 and O4-O10 is only $100.”

“But the best part, I mean the best part, is that if you are an active member of either the National Guard Association of the United States, NGAUS, or the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States, EANGUS, you receive a $25 discount!” Czaplicki said. described the Richmond region as an eclectic culture that popped up through the cobblestones:

“Here, murals cover the walls of local restaurants and shops. We have charming neighborhoods like the Fan District, which was named one of The South’s Best Neighborhoods by Southern Living. Major art museums draw national attention. Artisans share their talents in shops and markets. Food is an art here, too. In fact, National Geographic puts us on their list of the world’s– yep, the world’s– ‘top 10 places to travel for food.'”

“Running through it all: the James River. You can whitewater raft through downtown on its Class III and IV rapids. Bike the Virginia Capital Trail– it runs right alongside the James. Or, just hang out on the river rocks with your dog.”

“We’re a place of stores, with 300+ historic markers to prove it. A place of architectural eye candy. A place where you can drive from one great experience to another, and it’s within a day of most of the east coast. So read on. Dive in like a local.”

For those travelling to Richmond, a special group rate of $145 at the Richmond Marriott is available. Reservations must be made before July 7, 2022.

Registration closes July 14, 2022. Build your future here.

Richmond, Virginia, USA downtown skyline on the James River.