The united voice for the
Virginia National Guard


Learn More About Our Mission


With your participation, VNGA is better able to make the case in the Commonwealth of Virginia’s General Assembly and the U.S. Congress for a strong, well-equipped and well-trained Virginia National Guard in more than 63 communities around Virginia.

Joining the VNGA means ensuring our homeland’s defense.



As part of the largest military advocacy organization, the National Guard Association of the United States, the VNGA works to transform our members’ ideas into legislative action and provide states and our members unified representation before members of the General Assembly, the U.S. Congress and their staff on the association’s priorities.


Member Benefits

Aside from the Virginia National Guard voice VNGA brings to Richmond and Washington, D.C., members also enjoy a variety of benefits that include everything from insurance and other life enhancing programs to various discounts and privileges with a variety of VNGA business partners.



The Virginia National Guard Historical Foundation proudly presents an original, limited edition “Virginia National Guard: Thus Ever to Tyrants since 1607” a custom-designed military collage celebrating the Virginia National Guard artfully crafted by renowned military artist, Michael Solovey.





2023 VNGEA SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION We are happy to announce we will be awarding $5,000 in scholarships for 2023 thanks to our generous sponsors to include the VA National Guard Enlisted Association Auxiliary, JJ St Clair Memorial Scholarship, Command Chief Master...

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NGAUS & Association News

Call to Action Support Our National Guard Act EANGUS members, please contact your Congressional delegations and ask for cosponsorship of H.R. 6967 and S. 3713. These bills would require the Secretary of Defense to provide to certain members of the National Guard...

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VANG Publications

Thanks to our Exhibitors & Sponsors

National Guard State Sponsored Life Insurance

The State Sponsored Life Insurance (SSLI) program provides group term life insurance exclusively for actively serving members of the Army and Air National Guard organizations and their dependents. The program is derived from United States Public Law 93-289, May 24, 1974, to encourage persons to join and remain in the National Guard. 

Please visit SGLI.ORG for more information.

The Virginia National Guard Association, Inc.

Post Office Box 37037
Richmond, Virginia 23234

(804) 539-3335