329th RSG to deploy to Middle East in Fall 2021
The Virginia National Guard’s Headquarters, 329th Regional Support Group has received a mobilization order for federal active duty in the Middle East, according to an announcement made April 29, 2021, by Maj. Gen. Timothy P. Williams, the Adjutant General of Virginia. In Fall 2021, more than 80 Soldiers assigned to the 329th will begin a 10-month deployment in the Central Command Area of Operations under the operational control of Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve serving as the base operating support-integrator for multiple installations.
“The 329th is yet another one of the Virginia National Guard’s highly trained and specialized units being called upon to demonstrate their superior skills and provide needed capabilities for a federal mission,” said Williams. “In addition to the outstanding state-level COVID-19 related support they have provided over the past year, they have been able to seamlessly shift their focus to prepare for their deployment. And while the 329th has been busy, they’ve remained resilient, and I believe we have their families and employers to thank for supporting their multiple military missions.”

Col. Todd Pegg, commander of the Virginia National Guard’s 329th Regional Support Group, conducts a television interview about the 329th’s upcoming deployment April 30, 2021, in Virginia Beach, Virginia.