Issue #4 of the 2021 Commonwealth’s Guardian bi-weekly newsletter

Feb 27, 2021

VNG adapts to support changing statewide COVID response

Approximately 120 Soldiers and Airmen assigned to the Virginia National Guard’s COVID-19 testing task force are continuing operations in support of the Virginia Department of Health and the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, even as their mission evolves to include support to vaccination clinics run by local health departments across the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Beginning in mid-January, one of the task force’s testing strike teams adjusted their mission for support of point-of-distribution vaccine clinic support at locations across Virginia. Support at these POD sites includes logistics and administrative support, including helping direct patients as they park and navigate the clinics, and assisting with the registration process.

“The vaccination assistance teams are currently working in Roanoke, Charlottesville, and Fredericksburg,” said Lt. Col. Heath Phillips, the task force’s commander. “To date, those three sites have administered over 25,000 inoculations.

”For the Soldiers assigned to support the vaccinations sites, it’s an extremely rewarding part of their duty.




Virginia National Guard Soldiers and Airmen provide logistics and operations support at a COVID-19 vaccine point of distribution hosted by the Blue Ridge Health District Feb. 4, 2021, in Charlottesville, Virginia.