Dec 5, 2021

Former VNG Soldier inducted into ROTC Hall of Fame

Virginia National Guard Soldiers helped honor 1st Lt. Todd W. Weaver, during a military appreciation football game Nov. 13, 2021, at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. Weaver began his military career as a combat engineer in the VNG and was killed in action in Afghanistan in 2010. The
event included Weaver’s induction into the ROTC Hall of Fame, a flyover by two VNG UH-60 helicopters and cannon fire from VNG artillerymen.

Weaver joined the VNG in 2002. He supported relief efforts in the wake of Hurricane Isabel in 2003 and deployed to Iraq in 2004 with Charlie Company, 276th Engineer Battalion as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. After his deployment, Weaver enrolled in the College of William & Mary, joined the ROTC program there and continued his service in the VNG through the Simultaneous Member Program. At the end of his college career, Weaver earned the designation of Distinguished Military Graduate and
commissioned into the infantry. He deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and was killed in action Sept. 9, 2010, while leading his platoon on a night ambush.


Former VNG Soldier inducted into ROTC Hall of Fame

First Lt. Todd W. Weaver is inducted into the Army ROTC Hall of Fame during a military appreciation football game Nov. 13, 2021. Weaver started his military career in the Virginia
National Guard before transitioning to active duty and was killed in action in Afghanistan Sept. 9, 2010.