Issue #20 of the 2020 Commonwealth’s Guardian bi-weekly newsletter

Oct 11, 2020

Rhodes succeeds Epperly as 29th ID commander

Maj. Gen. John M. Rhodes took command of the Fort Belvoir-based 29th Infantry Division from Maj. Maj. Gen. John M. Rhodes took command of the Fort Belvoir-based 29th Infantry Division from Maj. Gen. John M. Epperly Oct. 3, 2020, at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Lt. Gen. Jon A. Jensen, Director of the Army National Guard, presided over the change of command ceremony and the exchange of unit colors
signifying the transfer of command from Epperly to Rhodes. “For both Maj. Gen. Epperly and Maj. Gen. Rhodes, being a leader comes natural,” Jensen said. “Your ability to balance both your civilian and military roles serve as a testament to the concept of the Citizen-Soldier.”

With COVID-19 health protections limiting the number of personnel attending the ceremony, Jenson recognized the brigade command teams present and thanked them for representing the thousands of Soldiers assigned to and affiliated with the 29th. He also recognized the “encouragement, support and sacrifices” made by family members, and on behalf a a grateful Guard nation, thanked them for their service and patriotism. Jensen recognized Epperly for his 31 yeaen. John M. Epperly Oct. 3, 2020, at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Lt. Gen. Jon A. Jensen, Director of the Army National Guard, presided over the
change of command ceremony and the exchange of unit colors signifying the transfer of command from Epperly to Rhodes. “For both Maj. Gen. Epperly and Maj. Gen. Rhodes, being a leader comes natural,” Jensen said. “Your ability to balance both your civilian and military roles serve as a testament to the concept of the Citizen-Soldier.” With COVID-19 health protections limiting the number of personnel attending the ceremony, Jenson recognized the brigade command teams present and thanked them for representing the thousands of Soldiers assigned to and affiliated with the 29th. He also recognized the “encouragement, support and sacrifices” made by family members, and on behalf a a grateful Guard nation, thanked them for their service and patriotism.

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