Issue #17 of the 2021 Commonwealth’s Guardian bi-weekly newsletter

Aug 29, 2021

VNG brigade HQs, aviation battalion will deploy to Kosovo

The Virginia National Guard’s 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team Headquarters will mobilize for federal active duty in early January 2022 to take responsibility for the NATO-led Kosovo Force Regional Command-East, and the 2nd Battalion, 224th Aviation Regiment will mobilize as their aviation task force according to announcements made by Maj. Gen. Timothy P. Williams, the Adjutant General of Virginia. NATO KFOR troops conduct peace support operations contributing to a safe and secure environment for all people in Kosovo while healthy political dialogue continues between Kosovo and Serbia.

“The 116th IBCT Headquarters has time and again been given the toughest assignments, and they are staffed with some of the most experienced and capable leaders and Soldiers in the Virginia National Guard,” Williams said


Virginia  National  Guard  aviation  Soldiers  conduct  medical  evacuation training Aug. 4, 2021, at Fort Pickett, Virginia.

Virginia National Guard aviation Soldiers conduct medical evacuation training Aug. 4, 2021, at Fort Pickett, Virginia.