WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Army National Guard has recently updated the Fiscal Year 2020 Selected Reserve Incentive Program, or SRIP, to include a number of new authorized Officer and Warrant Officer Mission Operational Specialties to the list approved for retention bonuses.
The maximum SRIP bonus is $20,000 paid in two installments. The first installment is issued once the approved incentive is recorded in the Guard Incentive Management System. The second installment is distributed on the second anniversary calculated from the date of entitlement and recorded in GIMS.
A three year Active Duty Service Obligation is incurred by the Officer or Warrant Officer if they accept the SRIP bonus.
According to a memorandum from the National Guard Bureau’s Directorate of Human Resource Management, “the ARNG authorizes the use of incentives to attract and retain individuals processing or qualifying for training in critical skills or critical units needed in wartime and to sustain membership and maintain readiness in the ARNG. Incentives are implemented in those situations where other less costly methods have proven inadequate in supporting unit and skill staffing requirements.”
Officer Retention Bonuses are authorized by Section 332(a)(3) of Title 37 of the United States Code and Department of Defense Instruction 1304.34 and are designed to retain the adequate number of qualified officers. The ARNG FY20 SRIP Policy states that “this incentive incurs a voluntary extension of an officer’s service in exchange for an agreement to serve for a specified period in a designated military skill or career field in which there is a shortage of trained and qualified personnel.”
Download the Officer Retention Bonus Guide here.
Download the ORB Critical Skill List Update here.
Download the Incentive Request Checklist here.
Download the Incentive Request Form here.
Requests for incentives are processed through the Officer or Warrant Officer’s unit Retention or Readiness NCO.
The Virginia National Guard Association is not involved in the incentive development process nor influences the incentive selection or approval processes. The ORB forms and presentations are shared over this medium to increase awareness and understanding of relevant benefits Officers and Warrant Officers may be eligible to receive.