Virginia National Guard Soldiers assigned to the 276th Engineer Battalion, 329th Regional Support Group assist the Virginia Department of Emergency Management prepare supplies for delivery March 25, 2020. (Virginia Defense Force photo by Warrant Officer 1 (Va.) Jake Crocker)
RICHMOND, Va. — In a press release dated April 8, 2020, Retired Brig. Gen. J. Roy Robinson, the National Guard Association of the United States, or NGAUS, president, issued the following statement:
“We applaud President Trump’s action last night that will provide many Guard soldiers and airmen with the medical coverage they need to fight the nation’s greatest public health crisis in more than a century. The executive order he signed authorizes state and territory officials for the next two weeks to mobilize Guardsmen under federal Title 32 for increments of up to 31 days. This is just enough for those mobilized to receive the military’s TRICARE medical coverage. President Trump had previously authorized the use of Title 32 funds for some Guardsmen mobilized by their states and territories to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak. This action covers the troops’ pay, while keeping them under the command of their governor, who knows best how to employ them in this crisis. Unfortunately, that authorization alone did not provide them TRICARE medical coverage. To be eligible for TRICARE, they needed to be on orders of more than 30 days. Until last nights’ executive order, federal authorities were only allowing states and territories to put their Guardsmen on federal orders in increments of 30 days — or one day short of TRICARE eligibility. Under those orders, Guard soldiers and airmen could go to military treatment facilities if they are hurt or fear they are infected with the coronavirus, but most are not serving near such a facility. Only TRICARE enables them to go to local doctors and hospitals without using their private insurance or digging into their pockets. The move of Guardsmen from state active duty to federal Title 32 status has been slow and uneven. But thanks to this executive order, Guardsmen who do receive Title 32 orders now know they can get the medical coverage they need. One added day makes a big difference.”
NGAUS includes nearly 45,000 current or former Guard officers. It was created in 1878 to provide unified National Guard representation in Washington. In their first productive meeting after Reconstruction, militia officers from the North and South formed the association with the goal of obtaining better equipment and training by educating Congress on Guard requirements. Today, 142 years later, NGAUS has the same mission.
Like NGAUS, the Virginia National Guard Association, or VNGA, applaud the President’s decision to authorize the Commonwealth of Virginia to mobilize the “Commonwealth’s Guardian” on Federal Title 32 orders for increments up to 31 days. With approximately 300 Soldiers, Airmen and members of the Virginia Defense Force currently supporting Virginia’s COVID-19 response with medical and logistics planning, medical commodity transport, mission command and communications support, the ability to protect and provide for our Soldiers and Airmen is essential to our continued readiness and mission success.
Join the VNGA here.

Virginia National Guard Association
a recognized 501(c)(19) veterans service organization
serving the Soldiers, Airmen and Families of the
Virginia National Guard since 1960