On February 4th, 2025 the Board of Directors of the Virginia National Guard Management Group named Clifton C. “Cliff” White, a 39-year veteran of the Virginia National Guard, as their 3rd Executive Director. White, a retired Command Sergeant Major that served at every level of senior enlisted leadership within the Virginia Army National Guard, becomes the operational employee of the VNGMG. He is tasked with a myriad of duties in support of the four organizations that belong to the VNGMG’s portfolio.
One of the major responsibilities assigned to the Executive Director is the planning and execution of the Annual Conference, something that White has several years’ experience with already. He has been the VNGMG’s Conference Committee Chairman since our first combined conference of the VNGA and VNGEA in 2018, being the primary point of contact and planner each year. The upcoming conference, INVOLVE2025, is scheduled for April 25-27 at the Founder’s Inn and Spa, Virginia Beach (See information in this newsletter for more information).
Another primary activity of the ED is the recruitment of corporate partnerships and sponsors, along with conference exhibitors. Over the years of executing the VNGEA conferences and then the VNGMG conferences White has nurtured significant relationships with numerous corporate partners. He foresees continuing growth in these areas. If you have friends in small business or in the corporate world, or maybe even your employer, that might be interested in partnering with the VNGMG in supporting any of the organizations of the VNGMG’s purview, have them contact Cliff at: .
Association membership, its overall growth and retention of existing members, is another paramount endeavor assigned to the ED. White intends to grow the communication contacts and platforms with existing members, drilling Guard members, and VANG alumni with the intent of educating all on the true role of the Associations – benefits for the Guard. Benefits delivered through state and federal legislation, access to pertinent information of other organizations that provide benefits to National Guard members and Veterans, and financial support when hardships arise.
One additional aspect of the role of the ED is to provide administrative and logistical support to both Associations as they plan for and attend their respective national conferences each year. The Virginia Associations are well represented each year at both the EANGUS and NGAUS annual conferences, and the ED is instrumental in the success of each Association’s attendance.
An area White intends to improve upon is the communication of information, events, and death notices of former Guard members and employees of the VNG. There are numerous unit reunions, quarterly breakfasts, and/or annual reunions across the Commonwealth that many never hear about. But knowledge is power, so lets share the information. If you know of any events or pertinent information that you would like to share, please pass it on to Cliff for the next issue.
Clifton C. “Cliff” White
Executive Director, VNGMG